Lifecycle stages


Yagr has four stages:

  • config: Generate config and plugins - initialize and configure plugins, parse CSS colors, prepare default settings for scales and axes, register default hooks, ultimately create the config and data series for uPlot.

  • processing: Processing - at this stage, Yagr executes all required data transformation, including data alignment with interpolation, stacking, and normalization, caching everything that might be needed later, and preparing to create a uPlot config.

  • uplot: Create uPlot instance - create a uPlot instance.

  • render: Render - use the custom renderer to render a node, also render a legend if required.

  • listen: Listen - a Yagr instance waits for events, triggers hooks, and rerenders the chart.

When a Yagr instance is being removed, call yagr.dispose() to dispose of all handlers and event listeners for that chart instance.


Yagr hooks defined as Hooks.Arrays & YagrHooks where YagrHooks are:

  • load - call when the chart is fully processed and rendered and Yagr has initialized all plugins.
  • onSelect - call when a user selects a range on a chart
  • error - call when there is a runtime error at any lifecycle stage
  • processed - call when data is processed
  • inited - equivalent of uPlot ready
  • dispose - call when Yagr instance is being deleted
  • resize - call to resize any chart
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