
Yagr lets you set up cursor behavior for charts. You can configure crosshairs, the number and size of markers, and snapping behavior.


Value snapping

cursor.snapToValues?: SnapToValue | false

type SnapToValue = 'left' | 'right' | 'closest';

Snapping to values lets you only render markers on existing points on a timeline. If the cursor points to value X, where Y is null with snapToValues, you can configure which real point to highlight with a marker.

  • 'left' - find the nearest non-null value to the left
    Snap to left

  • 'right' - find the nearest non-null value to the right
    Snap to right

  • 'closest' - find the nearest non-null value

  • false - don't snap to non-null values
    Without snapping


Cursror markses are elements whish shows Y-values of series on a given cursor X position.

  • cursor.markersSize?: number - markers radius in px
  • cursor.maxMarkers?: number - maximum number of markers. If the number of lines > maxMarkers, then markers aren't drawn on chart.


You can set X and Y crosshairs in the cursor options:

cursor: {
    x: {visible: true, style: '1px solid red'},
    y: {visible: true, style: '1px dash grey'},

Hide markers on cursor hover

You can hide markers on cursor hover with cursor.hideMarkers option.

cursor: {
    hideMarkers: (value: number | string | null, seriesIdx: number) => value === 0,